Linggo, Abril 20, 2014

Resurrection Sunday-- He Lives!

I wrote this 5 years ago during a Holy Week Retreat with a good friend. I remember staring onto a blank paper after reading the scripture that I was pondering on. There's this moment of nothingness. I was hearing nothing and I could not think of anything to say. Plain and blank, I was just listening to the sound of the wind through the leaves and staring at the bright clear sky. Nothing. I don't even know what am I supposed to watch out for or feel at that moment. Then slowly I picked up my pencil and began writing this piece:

Almighty Father and Everlasting God,

In the stillness of the night and in the brightness of the morning, I hear your heart beat,
In the beauty of the sun rays and intricacy of a blade of grass, your wisdom shines through,
With every rustling leaf that I hear as the wind blows forth, your voice soothes my troubled soul and aching heart.

As the clouds draw pictures of your artwork in the sky, Your awesome Creativity is beyond words,
Oh Lord, as a painter leaves imprint of  his name in his works, so You make Your mark on every little thing that shouts Your Name on this earth.

I am lost for words to tell of your wonder, but I know that a single drop of rain falling from the sky, can reveal more about You, than all my words combined.

All Praises unto Your Name, oh Lord, Jesus Christ!


While I was anxious to hear from Him or say anything to Him, the Lord reminded me to be still and trust in Him instead. I need not do anything for HE is the Resurrection and Life... He can raise to life every thing that is dead or dying within and around me... I just have to believe. 

May this message speak to you in ways that only Jesus can impart. Happy Resurrection Sunday! God bless you! :)