Welcome! :) I created this blog to share words that bless hearts. I would be writing about daily wisdom that I learn from random encounters with people, places, work, and situations. Each time I hear the Lord's voice, I will share with you the wisdom that I learned. The wisdom could be spiritual, intellectual, practical, could be about the simplest life encounters, or about business, about weddings (yes since I'm a full time floral designer :) ), about people's kindness and daily heroism and bravery that often go unnoticed, about friendship, family, love in every form, blessings in all shapes and sizes, and even on food, health, cooking, gardening, pet ownership, and other topics where there is new wisdom to be found. :) You will hear what I've heard, you will see what I've seen, I will share with you my thoughts and some of my feelings in the hope that I get to share blessings of words of wisdom, kindness, love and enlightenment. :)
So here are some of the new wisdom that I learned this week:
A few days ago, I was browsing through my Facebook wall and saw this post on the newsfeed. It says, "Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing" by Benjamin Franklin.
Social Media has given people the freedom to express how they feel right at that very moment. When we feel happy and ecstatic, sad, angered, confused, frustrated, or tired, almost immediately we would let the world know how we feel by posting it online. It has become our outlet to express a whole lot of screaming emotions steaming within us. However since the words that composed our shout outs were often times conjured up in the spur of the moment, we sometimes fail to think it through. Believe me I have many of those and I wish I could delete the words from the brains of the people who have read it. The post may have been deleted, but some people remember. But the point is, I learned to be extra careful with the things that I say online. I learned to be prudent. And I am still learning even as I write this blog. I believe that it will result into something good one day soon. People would not benefit from knowing what I ate for lunch nor where I spent my weekend, but rather they would benefit from the wisdom learned from the people that I spent eating lunch with or from people and situations that I encountered at different places. So during the learning process, I am going to write about these new wisdom. After going through the era of obsessing about posting empty words, I will learn to share words that bless. Hopefully my writing will be worth everybody's time - mine and those who would read my piece. :)


However, I learned something else about being a Turtle. Being a turtle means being extremely patient at all times (something that I totally lack and have to work on by the way) and being completely focused on your goal. Being a turtle means you are not as exciting and fast-paced as the squirrel and the rabbit (all characters from the story shared in the book), you are boring yet persistent, people may ridicule you and belittle your abilities, comparing you to the vigor and speed of your opponents, but as the cliche goes slow and steady (or the turtle) is going to win the race. You just have to keep at it. Something that I have to remind myself almost everyday.
One of the hymns that we sang in church last Sunday was entitled: "Crown Him Lord of all". The song has around 24 lines and yet one line caught my attention, it says: "Go spread your trophies at His feet and crown Him Lord of all" I was reminded that all glory, honor, and power belong to Jesus Christ, which He deserves and much more. The greatest honor is having the chance to sit at His feet and receive spiritual enlightenment. I am learning that sitting at His feet does not happen by following a certain schedule, but it has be a lifestyle. Something that is not always easy. But being in this place, by Jesus' feet, is always worth it. No matter how estranged we have become, we may have wandered off far from this Place, yet it is always worthy to spend everything that we are and have to Go spread our trophies at Jesus' feet and receive His Peace.
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